Light of the World International Ministries

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Light Ministries

Every Christian has a place of service in the Body of God.  When we partner together, God is honored, the church is strengthened and we see visioncome to pass.  At Light Of The World International Ministries, we provide the tools and training needed to develop the heart of a servant and assist in creating an atmosphere that encourages spiritual growth .
The Excellence Ministry Teams are a practical aide and support to the Pastor's vision.   If you have a real heart to serve the people of God, then the EMT is just for you!
 The standands and aims of the Excellence Ministry Teams are:
  • To be an asset and a credit to our Heavenly Father as co-laborers and joint heirs with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in assisting the Pastor in spreading the Gospel.
  • To be an asset and credit to the Body of Christ through the promotion of brotherly love and fellowship.
  • To be an asset and credit to the Pastor, Lady Tam and the congregation of LOTWIM, assisting in meeting the spiritual needs and operational demands of the ministry for both membrship and visitors.
  • To be an asset and a credit to oneself by developing spiritual stability through continuous study and application of the Word of God.
In order to participate in any of the Excellence Teams at LOTWCC, the following requirements MUST be met:
  • Be a full-fleged, tithing member in good standing for six months, having become born-again, spirit filled (with the evidence of speaking in other tongues) and batpized in water.  Pastor may approve, on an individual basis, those who have joined LOTWIM from another Bible-believing church.
  • Be living a lifestyle that is consisten with Christian principles, the Pastor's vision and the rules and regulations that govern the Excellence Teams.  (For example, a person cannot participate in any ministry if one has not gained victory, in manifestation for six months, over smoking, drinking, narcotics, and/or illegitimate sexual habits.)
  • Have the temperament and capability of performing the dutis that have been established for the particular ministry team to which application is made.
  • Consistently be in physical attendance in Mid-Week services, Sunday Services and special events.
  • Be in attendance at a majority of the scheduled meetings established for the EMT to which application is made.
  • Be willing to support the Ministry, both prayerfully and financially, on a consistent basis and MUST be a consistent tither.  (Malachi 3:8)
  • No EMT worker will be allowed to work in more than three (3) functioning areas of the Ministry.
  • If an EMT worker has thirty (30) days of being inactive in an area, the worker must re-apply for the Excellence Team Ministry.
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